Does your business import or export goods? Are any of your customers or suppliers are outside the European Union? If the answer is yes, you will need to register for an EORI (Economic Operators Registration System) number. In this blog post, we will explain exactly what the purpose of an EORI number is and how you can register your business for one.
What is and EORI number?
EORI numbers are recognised across all EU member states and need to be included on all of your customs declarations for goods entering and exiting the Eurozone.
The EORI system enables customs agents in Europe to quickly identify and apply the correct customs duties to goods being imported into and exported from the Eurozone. This way customs agents in Europe can fast track your goods and you are not facing long delays.
Since the onset of Brexit, Irish traders who trade with the UK will now also be required to register for an EORI number.
How do I get an EORI number in Ireland?
It is a very quick and easy process to register for an EORI number in Ireland. You can apply for an EORI number through Revenue Online Services (ROS). If your business is already registered for tax then you or your tax agent should already have access to a ROS account.
Once you access ROS, follows these steps to register:
1. Login to Revenue Online Services.
2. Select ‘Manage Tax Registrations’
3. Click ‘Register’ directly opposite the ‘Customs & Excise’ tax option.
4. Tick the box that notes you will be importing/exporting goods to/from the EU. The date will automatically populate as todays date.
The next prompt is asking if you already have an EORI number from another member state. If you your business does then enter these details here.
Lastly, you will be asked for consent to publish your Name and Address, as well as your EORI number on the Central European EORI validation site. Once completed select ‘Add to Your Requests’.
5. You will be brought back to the registrations options page where you must then submit your request in the main sidebar. Follow this through and sign electronically.
6. Success! You are now registered and will receive a notification in your ‘Revenue Record’ containing your EORI number which can now be included on all your customs declarations.
Do I need a different EORI number to trade with the UK?
No, but if your company is based in the mainland UK (England, Wales and Scotland) you will need to register for a UK EORI number to continue to trade with the EU.
A separate XI EORI number is required for Northern Ireland trades who are sending goods to non-EU countries and also for UK traders moving goods to Northern Ireland. These can be applied for through the official website.
New businesses in Ireland who plan on exporting or importing goods from non-EU countries should make sure to register for an EORI number via ROS or you will be facing issues and long delays with goods getting stuck in customs.
This blog post is for informational and educational purposes only.